the Journey- past, present, FUTURE

 Hello by beautiful Sister Divas, Sandy here with our Thursday devotional.

Well, if you are anything like me, you're feeling a little emotionally beat up. This week has been a doozy but like my daddy always said, “I can guarantee you two things Lanie. You will always have to pay taxes, and God is always on His throne.” Wise words, lol.
When we think of the future, especially an unknown scary kind of one, I think most of us have this go to verse that we start claiming... For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future... Jeremiah 29:11(read through v14).
I think it gives us a peace that we don't have to worry or fear but that God has a plan for us and it is a good plan, a peaceful plan, a prosperous plan, one that has a good ending.
Looking at this scripture, this was a word that was spoken to Israel when they were taken into bondage by Babylon. They were at the mercy of a new unbelieving king, new government, new people, new culture, they were even given new names. They lost their homes, their temple was destroyed, their hope was bleak. (Now, this all came as a punishment for their behavior. When we put ourselves above God, there are consequences. Hmmm, kind of sounds familiar for this day and age, dont it?)
As I watched the news last night, I said out loud to no one really, “My heart hurts.” It was just a random comment that I didn't think to get a reply, but I did. My 13 yr old was playing on his phone and heard me. He said. “It is going to be okay mom. God has a plan, and he is in control.” Ding ding ding, thank you Lord for that reminder. So, I knew what today's devotional was going to be about. Like my daddy always said, “I love it when a good plan comes together.” LOL!!!
When fear of the future, the unknown, hits us (sometimes like a freight train) and tries to take over, we can stand on His truth, not what we see… He has a good and perfect plan for His children. Nothing happens that He is unaware of. For Israel, His plan was a restoration of their lands, a rebuilding of their temple, and I think we all can agree in this day and age, Israel is very prosperous, goodness, they made water out of the desert in the last 20 years. How cool is that?!
For us, the end plan is the way of salvation so we can be adopted into His family and be with Him for eternity. But until then, we can be assured that His plans for us, His children are good ones that will help us endure and that will bless us until the day He comes back to take us home. Everything in life is leading up to that glorious day. So do not fear, have peace that everything is working according to His will.
(to see previous Sister Devotionals all week just click on the tags)
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