the Journey- say no to stinkin' thinkin'

 Hi sisters, Sandy here for our devotional this evening. I admit that this was a challenging one for me. Why? Because every verse and topic that I wanted to use was a big no in prayer. Truly, every devotional I have done in the last 2 months, began with one idea and through the Holy Spirit, was changed. So I did the last thing I could think of, I stayed still and just waited. It took the whole week until this afternoon really when I got the ah-ha moment.

I work in home care so I am in my car a lot all day long. This means a lot of “thinking time”, “praying time” and “message time” but with that also comes me in my head a lot and that can be a bad thing. I tend to overthink, have debates with myself and try to plan life. For example: I think if I do A, then B will happen so I can go to C… or if she says this, then I will reply that… or if they just did it my way, this would have happened…. You get the picture.
Well, God also has my number and earlier this year at church, I was given a word of knowledge. Basically, God told me to get out of my head and to stop planning my actions and words. Instead to start letting Him take control right from the start and not after I tried plan A or B. I admit this has been freeing but there are still times that I have to make sure I remember this Word of His and not fall back into my old thought life.
So as I told the Lord, “ok, I am done trying to figure out my devotional. What are you going to say tonight?” And my next thought was Phillipians 4:8-9
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned[a] and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Now we all know vs 8 but take a closer look at vs 9. When you learn, receive, hear and see the thoughts of God, His peace will be with you. There is not room for fear, none at all.
So I want to encourage your sisters to get out of your head this next week making a very conscious effort to take your thoughts captive. Focus on all the things of God and not of this world no matter what it looks like right this moment.
Learning the differences in these voices:
When the enemy rushes, God Stills
When the enemy pushes, God Leads
When the enemy frightens, God Restores
When the enemy confuses, God Enlightens
When the enemy discourages, God Encourages
When the enemy worries, God Comforts
When the enemy compares, God Uplifts
When the enemy obsesses, God Calms
When the enemy condemns, God Convicts
Is there one that screams out to you? Then, your homework is to grab 2-3 verses and start swinging that sword!
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Cyndi Martin, Heather Lealand Street and 10 others


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