the Journey- Being a Virtuous Woman... a pipe dream?

 Hello Sisters, I hope you have had a blessed day. I swear all I could think is “one more day until the weekend”, lol. I am off next week for a staycation, so I think that is why I am ready for this week to be over!

So, we are starting our first Step by Step mini–Bible Study with Proverbs 31. I want to kick it off with Proverbs 31:10, Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.
I think we all can agree that the Proverbs 31 woman is one that we want to strive to be, but in our minds we fall short. I know that is me for sure. We are never good enough as a wife, mother, daughter, etc. But then I started thinking, is it really that hard to be a Proverbs 31 woman?
I think trying to be her in our own power is unattainable because our power is fallible. In our humanness, we are weak. I mean talk about a bummer. This means that, just me, working to be a virtuous woman of great worth is a setup for failure. Not only failure but a situation that will make me powerless because it just won't work.
So after, I stewed and digested those nuggets of information, my next thought was “God, if this is what we are called to be, then I can’t do it without you.” and there was the “ah-ha” moment.
We can’t be the Proverbs 31 woman without God. He has set up a “formula” if you will that we can use to get us there. No, we can’t be her on our own, but we can with Him in our corner. That just took me from zero to hero in 2 secs flat, lol!!!!
Your homework to prepare for our video Bible study, is to see what other translations there are for “Virtuous Woman”. Hint, there are more than 1, lol!


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