the Journey- Trust is a good starting place
Greetings Sisters, I am excited to continue with Proverbs 31 devotional tonight, I pray all is good with you too.
I know for myself being a wife and mom are my most important roles that God has entrusted to me. My decisions affect those closest around me and that is my hubby and the kiddos right now. Some days, I feel like I can take on the world and some days, I want to stay in bed with the covers over my head. I know there are those here that can totally relate. That doesn't make us superwomen on Tuesday and lazy on Friday. It makes us human.
As I am studying Proverbs 31, the Virtuous Woman, I am finding comfort in my roles. Not that I have to be her, but in the fact that God is guiding me in love, in what my role is, and how to strive to achieve it, so I may be a blessing to my family and those around me.
Proverbs 31:11-12 is a cool place to start. We are starting with the person that is the closest to her, her husband. He knows her intimately. He is the first one she sees when she wakes up and the last one, she sees when she goes to sleep. As I read what she is to him, the word that jumps out at me is trust. He trusts her. Trust is assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. He can rely on her, and she will enrich (add to, enhance) his life, all of her days. This is a great starting place.
So, for this weekend, let’s study a little more in depth on trust and different ways we can show that we are trustworthy.
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