the Journey- What do my kids see

 What I want my kids to see in me as there mother.

My head usually has 100 things running through it at any given moment. Chris tells me I don’t have a nothing box and he is right. There is never a time where I can say I am not thinking of anything.
Now I feel like I have a 1000 thoughts running through my head, some good, some bad. I rejoice in the happy thoughts. In the bad ones, I own them in my humanness, then I take them captive through the Word of God. Some I have to pray fervently through.
So I got to thinking today, what do I want my kids to see in me as their mother? What is my legacy going to be as they are adults?
I want them to see that I am free in my praise and worship, anytime and any place. That I pray and not just before meals, but as a prayer warrior interceding for others.That I read my Bible and enjoy doing Bible studies and devotional. That my speech edifies and does not tear down and that scripture is a daily part of my life.
I want them to see an active member of the church, helping in various ministries, participating in events, helping others when I can, to give freely of money resources as I can. I want them to see God using me do He can bless others.
Wherever I am, i shared the hope that I have in Jesus. That I am not afraid to give Jesus all the glory as my king and savior. That I will share His word with others as witnessing, encouragement and if necessary as correction as He sees fit.
That in all situations, trials and storms, my heart in made glad in the presence of the Lord. I pray they don’t see a bitter woman made by circumstances but a fighter that is willing to get on her knees before the Lord and fight her battles with praise and joy, singing Hallelujah the whole way through.
In my humanness, I am going to blow it but I want them to see that I am willing to have a moldable heart that He can change and use. That I am will to say I am sorry, willing to take correction, willing to admit my mistakes that hurt others, to own them, to change and if I can, make them right.
Whatever happens in this life of mine, my desire is for God to be glorified.
Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. 1 Peter 4:11
May be an image of cloud and text


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