the Journey- Our Super Glue
Thursday’s step by step devotional
Milk, eggs, bread... super glue.
So every family has staples that they keep in their fridge and pantry. For us, its all the normal stuff plus crazy glue. I swear it is more important than bread.... just kidding. But I can't tell you how times many someone is asking me where the glue is because something is always breaking.
This got me to thinking how many times I have felt like I was breaking or I felt the situation was so broken nothing can fix it. I remember one time I said I wish I had glue to fix my problem and my youngest piped up and said, "you don't need glue mama, you need Jesus," Talk about out of the mouth of babes. She remembered a prayer that I had prayed once for her asking Jesus to fix and heal her booboo. Years later that statement is one I still pick up and meditate on when I need my spiritual super glue.
God really is our glue. Without him, we would just fall to pieces. In Jeremiah 17:14 Message Bible translation, Jeremiah prayed, “God, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again…” and Psalm 34:18 tells us "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."
Here are 3 steps we can walk in with our God that wants to heal us...
1. He wants our broken pieces. He wants you to put down those pieces and let Him put things together. He doesn’t delight in seeing his children suffer. He wants you whole and healthy more than you do because He loves you.
2. “He can see what you cannot see; do what you cannot do, fix what you cannot fix, and transform what you cannot change.” Aka, he knows more than you ever will. He knows what is going on behind the scenes.
3. Let go and let God.. Let him do it. Surrender in your thoughts, your will and you plans right now. Give up control and let go of your need to figure it out. You can rest in assurance, without doubt, that God is glueing the pieces together for you.
Your cry has to be, “ Lord have your way, be my glue.”
Heavenly Father, some days just seem so hard. But we thank you and praise you for the hope that we have only in you. When we are breaking and all hope seems lost, You are by our side bringing comfort, rest and restoration in a way that we cannot experienced on our own. We thank you for that heavenly hug of your arms through your living word. May we in return be that hug for others, lifting them up and guiding them to only you. In Jesus name, Amen.
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